Embodied Symptom Wisdom 2024: Intake 2 (October) WAITLIST

With it's deliciously comprehensive core curriculum on the bodymind of chronic symptoms AND live embodiment practice sessions plus Q&A with Sarah, we are opening the doors to join very soon so you can begin working through the course right away, securing your spot for the next live cohort...


⚜️ Get on the waitlist!! ⚜️ 

With a limited number of spots to join this live program, we'll email you first (before going public on Instagram) with the super early-bird savings when doors open soon to join Embodied Symptom Wisdom 2024 Intake 2.

The next 20 Waiterlists will get a free gift - The Art of Listening To The Chronic Symptom (1 hour 40 minute Masterclass) sent out to you! 🎁